Home Tours
Tuesday, July 15, 2014
About Me
So where to begin.. Well I feel like some of you may be reading this thinking its a little late in the game to start a blog now.. But I really wanted to share some Home ideas that have worked for us, and show where we started and where we are now. I am proud of our Family and the home we have built together. I really should of started this years ago when we were in our other home (see tour here) But life kinda got in the way.. WE have literally moved 3 times in 3 years!!! ( I am TIRED!) Got married and had a baby!! Soo see why I didn't start this earlier.. For many years I worked in the Cosmetic Industry, Making people beautiful, But my real passion is making Homes beautiful. I love a good before and after and over the last few years have been able to make many happen Thanks to moving so much! ( I am also slightly addicted to real-estate and renovating, so hopefully now we will stay put for awhile!) Currently I am loving life as a stay at home Mom of a little angel/monkey/baby girl who is 15 months.. So I finally have some time to myself.. (Thanks to naps and regular bedtime schedules!) So I guess its better late than never. Well about me.. I have always had a thing for design.. Ever since I was a kid. I was allowed to decorate my bedroom at my full discretion (I had a baby pink, hot pink, and red themed bedroom!!) My Mom started me out young with garage sale-ing and refinishing items. I also learned to repurpose items from my Papa. Every time we stayed over as kids.. we did a project.. turning cigarette tins into lanterns with old tape rolls as bases :) and beer bottles into lamps. He would stain mandarin orange crates and use them as video tape stands.. the Man was ahead of his time! One thing to know about me is I LOVE a good deal! I always like to share when I find something amazing at garage sale, thrift store or antique market.. I feel like I have a good eye for items. My husband tries to get excited, but sometimes lets be honest he just doesn't get it..so that is another fun reason for me to blog, to share some of our awesome finds! I have always had champagne taste on a beer budget, But I have consistantly made it work! Nowadays though our budget is bigger, there is still a never ending list of things needed.. so I have learned where splurge and when to thrift to make sure I can check things off my list (I am a Big List Girl). And I am slowly learning the difference between a NEED and a WANT!!! (That comment is for my hubby lol!) I love accessories for my home. Without them I feel a room looks cold and empty. I believe in personalizing your home with things you love, collected over time. And things that remind you of the people you love/ have loved. I have a lot of items around my home that remind me of my grandparents. They were a huge part of my life growing up and are no longer with me, so to have little reminders.. makes me Happy! The biggest Decorating Challenge as of late is having a toddler who is active and loves to touch!! I have stopped squirming / gasping when she touches stuff now. We have taught her to 'SAY HI , don't touch'.. poor kid! Overall our house is pretty good at being baby proofed and still looking the way I envisioned it..aside from those damn baby stair gates!! We even splurged and got the dark wood ones that go with the stairs.. but come-on, talk about obstructing a view!! I made a contious effort at keeping all breakables high and all pretty and durables low.. just in case! Its hard loving decorating and having a baby.. For me it comes down to a lot of planning, and storage baskets to hide all the STUFF! . Well enough about kids stuff. I'm happy to be sharing. I hope you are enjoying my posts. Subscribe here so you don't miss any of our upcoming Home posts.
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