Home Tours

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Hazelnut Oak floors Re-Finished to Dark Java

 The floors were in Good condition overall.. so some of you reading this may think we were CRAZY! But the Orangey- Hazelnut Floors are not for me!! So Dark they must go!!  We chose JAVA stain. Its pretty Dark but not Black so it doesn't show as much dirt or dust. 

Java Hardwood Stain Swatch:
The Floors had just been sanded... I am definitely a dark floor kind of girl.. But when they sanded it, It looked so good LIGHT ..I was LOVING the Light wood!! Its kind of surprising that I didn't keep it light considering how much I like White and soft Neutrals..
I did ask if I could leave it natural wood BUT they said that oils from skin/ dirt would change the wood over time and stain it.. so we proceeded with the Dark Stain.
Here the floors are Still wet from being stained.. I hate SHINE!! But I LOVE what the stain did to the grain of the floors!! It looked Amazing... You really see all the details in the wood.. It kind of looked animal print-y but I liked it!!
The thing with Java stain is its fairly dark but I would of liked it a bit darker.. Its always hard to tell how the Oak will pick up the colour. Certain Hardwood strips turned out super dark and others fairly light... Which is why I called it animal print-y.. The hardwood appears slightly Reddish in the picture below and sometimes when our pot lights beam on it. The last 2 pictures really show its true appearance in daylight, which is when I think it looks best. 
 Finished Product! :) So happy with them. The Mat finish held up nice and gave a more rustic look to our Oak Hardwood floors. And the detail of the wood grain really shows with the Java stain. Bye Bye Orange!!
 See the rest of Our Home's Before Pics Here

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