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Friday, October 3, 2014

Decorating with Dried Hydrangeas

So I admit it! I am OBSESSED with Dried Hydrangeas! They are just so beautiful to me.. Hydrangeas also hold a special place in my heart because they were our wedding flower. I have them literally ALL over my home! I feel as though they are timeless and classic and look great for any season. The light Creamy ones are my favourite. Some flowers I have dried myself while others I have bought on EBAY. I Love them so much and have tried so many times to dry them on my own and they NEVER turn out. The only time they dried out perfectly is when I wasn't trying .. how sad!! I said before I am not a gardener or plant person.. I'm missing that green thumb! I just like Pretty!!

Shared with the Vintage Inspiration Party at Knick of Time Blog
These are Hydrangeas from one of our previous homes Garden's.. They dried perfectly on the bush so I cut them off in Fall and placed them in the vase and they have been there ever since.. They even get special prevlidges in a box in my car during each of our moves so they don't get damaged! This is the best and fool proof way that I have found to to dry hydrangeas .. Wait till the end of season (end of August roughly) until the Hydrangeas are pretty much dry on the bush, then cut them off and hang them to dry for a few days upside down... then voila.. beautiful dried hydrangeas!!

 In our kitchen we have a galvanized tin vase full of a dark caramel bouquet of dried hydrangeas. I recently bought at my local garden centre. They were 50% off so approx. $12  for the bunch.. They are nice and full in a unique darker shade, darker than I typically choose.. But since I have such a hard time drying myself I couldn't pass them up! And the colour looks great with all our Fall Decor.
These are my big slurge From Ebay.. I just love them.. Plus the shop has super fast shipping. I really shouldn't share my secrets as I am sure the bids will go up now :( But then again I guess I don't really NEED anymore! The flowers can get expensive but they are full and gorgeous and hopefully will last a very long time!! SO I felt the price was justified. ($32 was my winning bid for 14 flower stems.. plus $15 shipping.. Ouch!!! But what a BEAUTIFUL Investment!!)
These are ones I dried..See the difference??? They are sentimental as they are from our Daughter's 1st Birthday Party..  But you can really see the difference.. Well at least I tried!! See why I need the Ebay ones!!... I love the look of laying Dried flowers in wicker baskets for a french relaxed look.
 Here are some blue and cream ones from Ebay as well.. I bought them originally for our Grey nautical themed basement and had some left over.. and since the guest room has a blue and white theme going I thought they would go perfect in our white ceramic vase, styled beside some Navy Blue Antique encyclopedias.
 Here is the full bunch of the Blue and Cream Dried Hydrangeas in a cement planter in our basement. The planter is currently on top of a designer book in a tray on our ottoman. BUT it may need to be switched up.. as our daughter has recently figured out that she can pull off the petals.. Yay!! ;(
Last by not least .. My favourite look.. Our Dining room centrepiece... It's a mix of some of my favourite things.. Cream Candles, light coloured dried hydrangeas, glass jars, burlap and wood. I placed the stems in little glass milk jugs inside this rustic wood box that I found one day when I was antiquing.. It was only $8, that's literally less than I could make one for! The dining room centrepiece also features Glass Hurricane vases with Cream coloured Vanilla Candles from Ikea wrapped in Jute webbing secured with Upholstery tacks.

Thanks for looking.. If you are interested in more decorating ideas follow me on Bloglovin


  1. Hydrangeas are a beautiful flower - I just bought some silk today and will use some of your ideas to decorate my mom's apartment for when she comes home from the hospital next week. Thanks!

  2. Hi Val, Glad you found some inspiration in this post. I am sure your flower displays will look lovely. All the best to you and your mom.

