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Tuesday, October 14, 2014

How to Paint Dark Grout 'White'

This happened by accident one night.. I took our central vacuum off it's hook and in doing that .. knocked over a WHITE paint can all over my floor.. Thank goodness it was White!! Clearly I didn't put the lid on tight enough! There was literally a big puddle of white paint on my floor.. So After I stopped panicking, I started to scoop the excess paint up with a spoon.. Then once the majority of paint was back in the paint can, I started wiping the tiles clean. As I wiped a light bulb went off in my head .. Paint the rest of the grout!! SO.. The next day during my daughters nap time Momma had a new DIY project! 
This is what it looked like BEFORE.. It's a 12 yr old home so the grout was 
looking kind of dingy and dark 

I painted the grout with a thicker stencil paint brush.. and wiped the excess on the sides with a wet paper towel.. Yes you will go through a lot of paper towels.. But it's well worth it!

See how new its looking... Who needs new tiles???

I Applied the paint a little thicker to cover the dark grout a little better.. I only applied one coat of paint followed by a Sealer made for Tile Grout. 

Luckily the paint that spilled happened to be BM Cloud white.. Left over from our Laundry room Walls.

Love our new Laundry floors :) It made them look fresh and clean again.
 Check back soon to see our FULL Laundry Room Reveal!!

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