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Monday, April 6, 2015

Painting The Ikea Fjell Bed Frame

We decided to go with the Ikea Fjell bed for our Basement guest room, primarily because of its Coastal vibe with a planked wood head board and foot board.. I also loved the fact that it had 4 sliding drawers underneath for added storage.. which is hard to come by in a queen-size bed frame... The bed frame looked nice in the original colour of Black BUT the colour just didn't go with our decor or the look I wanted. SO with a lot of white paint and patience see how we transformed it...

Looking back I'm NOT SURE if I would do this again especially since it was a Full price purchase.. I have no problem turning something old to new or cheap to fabulous.. But I literally had to paint EVERY piece individually and then put it all together.. and still pay $500! :( But with that being said I am VERY VERY happy with the way it all finally turned out!  Its just too bad it didn't already come in white!
We painted the wood with Bulls Eye 1-2-3 Primer.. Its great for all surfaces and covered the black frame with 2-3 coats.

The original Ikea Fjell Black bed frame:

Here is after we painted it all and put it together.. Mission Complete! 
 Love all my drawers.. They are huge.. They hold my extra decor in 2 of them, extra electrical supplies and BBQ Summer stuff in the others. The original hardware pulls really pop now that the bed frame is white.

See our FULL Basement Guest Bedroom REVEAL HERE


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  1. It looks so cottage in the white! Love it!

    1. Thanks Lisa.. I think the cottage style may be my fav!

  2. What kind of paint and color did you use after the primer? Its looks great!

    1. Thanks Michelle for commenting.. I actually just painted the wood with the primer alone as I wanted a white finish. I did have to apply 2-3 coats to cover the black wood base. Overall it has held up really well. ~Lisa

  3. Hi, we just bought a Fjell bed and we really want to paint it. Do you remember how much primer you used? Would one quart be enough?

  4. Hi, Thanks for the comment.. one quart will be enough.. Just be patient as it does take some time and multiple coats.. that said I couldn't be happier with how it all turned out. Best of luck!

  5. OMG. I've been eyeing this ikea bed.... it's ideal for our storage and style needs - but I NEED IT TO COME IN WHITE!!!!!!!!!!! When I stumbled upon your picture I almost fainted haha. Where did she find this!!?? Alas you and my husband are right, we might just have to buy it black and paint it. So much extra work though! I'm desperate though lol Looks fantastic!!

  6. Not sure why they do not sell it in white in Canada, in Sweeden they carry this bed in white only, in US they don't have the Fjell at all. We ended up buying the Fjell black. Took a while to repaint it all white, used two coats of eggshell white paint, was a little tough to put together after, especially the headboard since it was a much tighter fit, I would put the headboard together first and then paint it if I had to redo it again. Yesterday just finished putting it all together, and tonight will add one coat of matte varnish just to seal it, otherwise the white paint gets dirty very quickly.
    Thanks for the blog, it encouraged me to go through with this.
