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Saturday, May 23, 2015

Master Bedroom transformation Part 1

This reveal was too big to fit into just one post. I really wanted you all to be able to see the true before and after.. So I decided to break up our Master Bedroom reveal into 2 posts. The Before picture below was our house when we purchased it, with the previous owners decor. It was in need of new carpet, paint, drapes and lighting. The very dark drapes and builder light was a must go.. See below for some of our changes.

Changing out lighting and hardware were easy ways we updated our new Master bedroom. We replaced the builder light to a painted white vintage chandelier and added new white curtain hardware and drapes. It made all the difference in creating a brighter, cleaner, soft Master Bedroom with lots of layered neutrals.
 The purely decorative electric fireplace had to go as it took up so much prime space and didn't work!
The dirty old berber carpet was removed and replaced with a simple light taupe carpet. We painted all the walls from a builder off white to a neutral Benjamin Moore Elmira White. I decided I wanted to change the placement of furniture. So we made the old fireplace wall our main focal wall with striped wallpaper, creating a subtle backdrop for our King Bed frame. We had a professional wallpaper installer come and install the beige and white stripe wallpaper horizontal for us. Best money spent!
 Our Full Master Bedroom reveal, part 2 will in the next few days.. Stay tuned ;)

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  1. Your Reno looks fantastic! I am loving that accent wall with the striped wallpaper. And who doesn't love a Chandy hanging above their bed? The lighter colors warms up the space as well.

  2. It looks beautiful, fresh and inviting. I like how you've rearranged the furniture. I don't think the fireplace was any loss! Love the addition of the wallpaper.

  3. Beautiful Lisa. Love the wallpaper and the neutrals and how you switch the room up. Great job.
    Happy Memorial Day.

  4. So talented. Love the neutral theme. Good idea switching out the bed placement.

  5. The difference is obvious and stunning. Now it's a complete and updated bedroom.
