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Thursday, June 18, 2015

Vintage Ironing board makeover into a Planked Sofa Table.

This is not earth shattering post.. Its super easy.. Anyone could do this to anything.. Which is why I keep asking myself..  "Why did it take me 5 years to do it???"  I have had to make some changes around the house lately with the new baby coming.. so moving furniture around is one of them.  I will have a full reveal on the changes in our Living room in the next day or so. For now check our simple makeover of a Vintage ironing board below...
We started out with a narrow vintage ironing board.. I have literally been using this ironing board as is, as a sofa table for 5 years.. It has served us well. Its just that the base was always warped and one end was narrower than the other which made it hard for symmetrical looks.
So all we did was measure the length and width needed. Then I divided the Width needed by 3.. so I then knew how wide each plank would need to be trimmed. As I wanted evenly spaced, equal planks. Next I headed to our local Rona to the Cedar planks. We had them cut the length and width so that 3 planks fit perfectly!! Next came evening out the ironing board base with some thin wood shims to make the planks sit nice and even.
Now I have a beautiful rustic looking sofa table for under $12!
Displayed on our newly revamped sofa table is a pair of vintage glass lamps that use to be on our side tables.. with a neutral ticking stripe lamp shades. You can see how our Living Room looked before HERE. A mix of lamps and a collection of white photo frames of our family and friends inside.
Here is a little sneak peek.. More on our Living room changes to come..

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  1. This is so neat. Love this. Great job. Have a wonderful week end.
