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Thursday, July 2, 2015

Farm Table Makeover

I have literally be coveting a Antique Farm table for years now. I was constantly on the lookout for one whether it be antique markets, Kijiji, Craig's list, and honestly you can find them but the price is always out of my range, upwards of $1000+.. So FINALLY I found this amazing Oak farm table with thicker pedestal legs .. and the best part is it was $70!!! OK its not Antique but it is solid wood and it has a ton of character so It will definitely check the box until I can afford a TRUE ANTIQUE table. The top does need some refinishing its in rough shape but the base and drawers are great shape. They were originally painted black. So I painted them in Annie Sloan chalk paint in Old White

I rubbed the wood top with a wood restorer to minimize any little blemishes. It made a difference. 
To distress or not distress??? One of the main reasons I love chalk paint is A) the Mat finish and B) the distressing ability.. But once I painted it a solid off white I kind of loved it so I have had a hard time bringing my sanding block close to it.. what do you think? Should I distress the legs a bit and allow the black to shine through for a more vintage look?
I have yet to properly refinish the dining table top.. I will eventually but honestly the wear doesn't really bother me.. It adds to the vintage look I like ;) I even debated adding planks of pine wood on top for a rustic weathered look.. I am still thinking on that one. 
Here is a sneak peek on our Full Summer Dining Room Reveal in the next few days...
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  1. Your farm table looks great and that was a really good deal too. I know what you mean about the distressing debate. It is sometimes so hard to decide. One thing about ASCP though is that you can always do a little distressing on one area and see if you like the black showing through. If not and if you still have paint it is easy enough to touch up. Another look is a dark wax for aging. But it does look pretty in your room now. I am redoing the top on our kitchen farm table this summer as I'm not stuck on the stain colour and I forgot to do the end extensions at the time. I'm tempted to paint the base Old White as well.

  2. Lisa just beautiful. I knew you would do something great with this table. Great Re Love of a great table. You go girl!!!

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