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Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Girly Dresser Makeover

Our daughter Elle is getting so big so fast.. She turned 2 in April :) So for her big girl room we decided to change things up and get her a more girly dresser.. I found this dresser at our local ReStore a few months ago for $65. Overall it was in great shape, with perfect and clean drawers for our little one. The only thing was the colouring was all wrong, it was the original dated mahogany French provincial style dresser. But with a little paint its now a pretty girly-girl dresser.. She the full details below...

I absolutely love this dresser from RH baby and child but it was wayyy out of our price range at $1299 USD. So I was on the hunt to find something similar.. this is what I came up with $65 plus some time and paint... and whats better than to create a labour of love dresser for our little one.

This is how my little find started out!!! I forgot to take a before picture with all the drawers in..Opps! But you get the idea.. First I than lightly sanded the top of dresser. 
Then I applied one coat of Zinsser Bulls eye 1-2-3 Primer for better adhesion of the paint over a shiny lacquer plus I didn't want the possibility of the red wood tone to shine through the paint.. I have had this happen!!
Once it was primed and dried I had the guys lug it upstairs.. thank goodness for muscles and laid down on top of our painting tarp. I then proceeded to paint it Annie Sloan Chalk paint in Old White. My fav. paint colour if you can't tell!! Even with one coat you can see the difference!
I debated changing the hardware all together.. In the end I figured I would clean the pulls and paint them with some paint and see if I liked them.. nothing ventured nothing gained, right? Anyways so happy I did.. I ended up painting them with Annie Sloan chalk paint Antoinette. A nice fresh change from the brass. 
This was our daughters previous dresser, its Ikea Hemnes dresser. It has held up great and is amazing for storage, but since we are having a little guy very soon, we decided it would be best suited in his nursery and give Elle a more girly style for her big girl room. 
And here it is.. All complete and pretty! Best of all our daughter Elle loves it, especially its pink handles..
You can see our daughters Full NURSERY REVEAL HERE

I will be posting more on our sons Nursery updates this week...

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1 comment:

  1. Your daughter's room is very pretty and that is a great makeover on the dresser. The Antoinette on the handles is the perfect finishing touch. A solid piece like that is difficult to find here at that price. I like using primer for those same reasons, plus it saves a bit on the more expensive paint.
