So I have been on a roll to finish our sons nursery if you couldn't tell ;).. So today I am going to share a chalkboard I made for his room, now I know he is only a baby and clearly will not be using a chalkboard for a while BUT our 2 year old daughter sure will and loves it..
Home Tours
Friday, August 28, 2015
Monday, August 24, 2015
Painted Vintage Trunk Makeover
I have had this vintage trunk in our storage area about 5 years now, I have been meaning to paint it for a while now, I or should I say my hubby finally got around to painting it a couple weeks ago. See another pre-baby arrival makeover .. It's a far cry from the bright blue trunk that it was before.. see all the details below...
Friday, August 21, 2015
Window Seat with Storage Reveal
I am so excited to be finally sharing our new window seat in our sons nursery. Many steps and love went into this project. The window seat really has turned out to be the focal point of our son James nursery.. It sets the tone for whole his room. My mom was a huge part of his nursery reveal, both her and I made most of the pillows ourselves with tons of love.. Thanks MOM!! I couldn't be happier with how it all turned out. Click the link for more details..
Wednesday, August 19, 2015
Welcome baby James!!
Our baby boy was born last week. Baby James weighed 6 lbs 10 oz and arrived 4 days early. It's been a crazy couple weeks with a growing 2 year old and a newborn.. I feel overwhelmed and so blessed all at the same time!! Over the next few weeks I will be sharing some before and afters that we finished just before our little bundle of joy arrived and taking some time to enjoy this special time with our kids. Hope everyone else is having a great Summer!!
Monday, August 17, 2015
Powder Bath Updates
Before Baby #2 got here.. I was on a mission.. and yes it was a Mission just ask my hubby.. the most PATIENT man ever!! God he loves me!! I had mini reno after mini makeover to be completed before his big arrival .. And I am happy to say we accomplished almost everything on my list ;)
Wednesday, August 12, 2015
Saturday, August 8, 2015
DIY Canisters for Boys Nursery
I found these Vintage kitchen canisters at a Thrift shop a year or so ago for $6.. I finally decided to use them as cute little storage jars for our sons room. It was a fast and simple makeover, with a little spray paint, gorilla glue and dollar store toys.. see all the details below..
Wednesday, August 5, 2015
Sunday, August 2, 2015
DIY industrial pipe shelf
I just built this super simple industrial shelf for our son's nursery for under $25 and thought I would share it. The hardest part was finding the parts at Home Depot. I was looking around online for a open shelving option, I found some great ones but with all the things I still wanted to do and buy for the nursery, they were out of our price range.. so when you can't afford it, I always try and make it!! See how to build one for yourself below..