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Saturday, August 8, 2015

DIY Canisters for Boys Nursery

I found these Vintage kitchen canisters at a Thrift shop a year or so ago for $6.. I finally decided to use them as cute little storage jars for our sons room. It was a fast and simple makeover, with a little spray paint, gorilla glue and dollar store toys.. see all the details below..

Materials Needed:
Vintage canisters (Thrift Shop Find)
4 Small Toys (lid handles)
Gorilla Glue
Wood filler
Sanding pad 
Spray paint - flat white paint

First I removed the plastic base under the lid to reveal the screw, then I unscrewed it to remove the wooden knobs. Once the knob was removed I filled in the hole with wood filler. Once dry I sanded away any excess wood filler for a smooth surface. I then used my trusty gorilla glue to glue on the plastic dollar store toys to the middle of the lids. The trick is to make sure you only use a small amount of Gorilla Glue as it expands.. Then I waited a day and had my hubby spray paint them in a Mat Flat white spray paint. 
And now they totally go in his room.. I still don't know what they will store, but I have a feeling Mini cars/ toys are in my future. :)
If you liked this you might like my other Nursery DIY Pipe Shelf HERE..

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