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Sunday, January 31, 2016

Living Room Plank wood ceiling

I'm going to take a break from the kitchen reno right now and share one of our more recent additions.. So if you read my previous post on on Ensuite shower reveal I mentioned that due to our shower leaking we had to patch up our living room ceiling which of course resulted in me adding another DIY project to the never ending list...the silver lining in all of this leak is that now we get a panelled wood ceiling!!! yay!!

I'm not including a full tutorial as I simply followed a fellow decor blog for installation tips. Read Edith and Evelyn Blog link HERE for full step by step tutorial tips.
We opted to white wash our ceiling planks with a watered down white paint mix for an opaque look. You could use a stain But I was concerned with smell and chemicals so we dipped a stain sponge into a slightly watery paint mixture using an extender stick for easy application. Then drained the excess paint and rubbed it all over the ceiling.  It took my hubby about an hour to stain the 13x13 room. The results are perfect, It just removed any of the yellow and softened the look while still allowing the natural wood grain to shine through

Hope this inspires you to flood your bathroom too! Just kidding!! But you definitely should add a planked ceiling somewhere in your home! Even a powder bath ceiling would be stunning..  my home to-do list keeps growing!!

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  1. Love this look and you are inspiring me to try this!
    Crown wood removed and then replaced when the planks were done? What if I do not have that trim? Will it need to be added, too? What did you do if one piece of wood needed to be narrower due to the width of the ceiling?

    1. Hi Patty, Thanks so much for commenting.. We added the crown last.. You would want to trim the edges with something, a thin piece of wood would do. We used a table saw to trim the width of our last row, if you don't have one you can rent one at home depot OR pay the fee at home depot or Rona ($1 or $2 per cut) and have the wood plank width cut from them. You'll be so happy with your ceiling.. we are!
