Home Tours

Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Adding Wood Planks to our Kitchen Island

Since i'm on this whole planking kick..Today I thought I'd share just a quick post on how we 'casualized' .. not sure if that's a word?.. Our kitchen island! We had the kitchen island cabinets installed in dark wood BUT it's so NOT ME or our house for that matter.. My hubby wanted to keep it dark originally for a year or so..But I FINALLY convinced him to see my vision and he agreed painting it was the best choice for us.. It was just too darn red to go with our home and floors!! :( 

I wanted our island to be a huge centrepiece literally.. so we added faux doors on the side and big 8x10 posts on either side. We made the posts 'staggered' so they looked more like separate posts, more like a piece of furniture if you will!... Originally we were going to add faux doors to the front of the island where the stools are. But I didn't want too formal of a look. I also didn't want to spend all that money on extra 'faux doors'. In order to add detail and 'Casualize' the island for a more relaxed farm house/french country look we decided to add a wide tongue and groove panelling. Check out the  full transformation below...

Friday, May 27, 2016

Plank Ship Lap wall

Hi guys.. I'm back!! Back from what you ask.. Well from some hard core sleep deprivation..So much so that we had to hire a sleep doula.. Our 9 month old was going to bed at 10pm with 2 night feeds and refusing to go back to sleep. :( Plus we just started sending our 3 year old to nursery school which has unfortunately been a really hard transition for her and us as a family.. she's super attached to me and gets separation anxiety... so mornings are super eventful over here! And with starting school came germs, so many germs!.. We have had cold after colds over here and more interrupted sleeps.. But as I write this I am hopeful that we are all on the up-hill so now and I can start posting regularly again as I really do enjoy sharing what is happening over here with all of you. Now on to something fun... Last month I shared our sons full Nautical Nursery reveal.. Here is the in-depth look at the transformation of his wooden plank wall. As you may remember I flip flopped on painting his whole bedroom white and finally decided it was easier to just keep the walls BM Edgecomb Grey and brighten the room up by adding ONE white wood Plank Wall as a feature wall.. It really lends to the coastal vibe of his nursery... See the details below..