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Friday, May 27, 2016

Plank Ship Lap wall

Hi guys.. I'm back!! Back from what you ask.. Well from some hard core sleep deprivation..So much so that we had to hire a sleep doula.. Our 9 month old was going to bed at 10pm with 2 night feeds and refusing to go back to sleep. :( Plus we just started sending our 3 year old to nursery school which has unfortunately been a really hard transition for her and us as a family.. she's super attached to me and gets separation anxiety... so mornings are super eventful over here! And with starting school came germs, so many germs!.. We have had cold after colds over here and more interrupted sleeps.. But as I write this I am hopeful that we are all on the up-hill so now and I can start posting regularly again as I really do enjoy sharing what is happening over here with all of you. Now on to something fun... Last month I shared our sons full Nautical Nursery reveal.. Here is the in-depth look at the transformation of his wooden plank wall. As you may remember I flip flopped on painting his whole bedroom white and finally decided it was easier to just keep the walls BM Edgecomb Grey and brighten the room up by adding ONE white wood Plank Wall as a feature wall.. It really lends to the coastal vibe of his nursery... See the details below..

This is how the bedroom wall was looking when we started.. Now keep in mind this isn't a true tutorial post.. more of a .. you should really try and plank one wall in your home!!.. I'm obsessed!! I love the detail that it adds to this space. We had the plywood cut into 6 inch strips at Rona and then used our bradnailer to apply them. There are a million tutorials out there.. we just used nickels to separate planks evenly and a trusty level to level our first board starting at the ceiling. 
I actually kind of liked the natural look of the wood but in the end decided to go ahead and paint it.. We painted it my go-to white .. Benjamin Moore Cloud white
We framed the wall and boards with 1 1/2" Trim to cover any gaps/spaces around the edges.. especially at the ceiling where it was far from level :(
Here you can really see the soft blue ceiling paint colour.. BM Ocean Mist.
Here it is all trimmed up.. I filled in any holes left in the wood by our brad nailer with Dap caulking...The trick I found worked was applying a really thin layer with a old credit card And for a fully complete look painted the entire wall BM cloud white.
If you like the J B galvanized Tin letters we got them customized in an Ariel font from this Etsy shop. 
If you missed the full NAUTICAL NURSERY REVEAL you can see it HERE.

I feel a few more planked ship lap walls in our future ;)

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