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Thursday, August 25, 2016

How to create a rustic aged wood look

So this is what you'll need:
Annie Sloan French Linen paint
Annie Sloan Old white paint
Annie Sloan soft wax in Dark and Clear
Rags - old cotton T-shirts work best
Paint brushes

Click to see all the easy how-to steps...

Let me just start by saying this table has come a long way.. It was a Kijiji find.. I fell in love with the legs and drawers.. But knew it had to be painted to flow with my decor. So we painted the legs Annie Sloan Old White a while back.. Now onto our recent project planking the table top..
 Planking.. I posted how I planked the top of the table yesterday.. very simple.. now drilling planks of wood is fairly simple.. staining/painting took a bit longer.. more steps and dry time.. But the results are great!!

So here you have it in a nutshell and then I will break it down in even more detail..

1. Pine planks (Rona) (the treated pine wood, better quality for less warping and holes)
2. applying Annie Sloan French Grey and rubbing it off with old rag
3.a)the results of french grey alone ( Scroll down to see photos of all the steps in detail)
   b) Now I applied the dark wax to the edges of planks for a more distressed aged look and rubbed excess away with rag.. It worked quite well almost giving a burnt look to the edges of wood
   c)Then I brushed on a little of Annie sloan old white lightly and rubbed excess till I got the distressed look
4. The final look- Applying a mix of Annie Sloan soft dark wax and clear wax on top of painted wood rubbing against the grain of wood with a rag to create a top coat/ sealer.
So here are pictures of the steps.. step by step..
Here is plain natural planked wood planks
Here is my daughter helping Mommy paint the table.. please ignore her "Paci" it is a work in progress with her.. very hard cause she has a baby brother!!! regression is no fun!! ;(
 Next I added soft dark wax to the seams / wood plank edges for a more distressed aged look
 Here you can see the old white paint rubbed over top of the French Linen Paint ( right side)
Then on the left I topped off the paint with soft dark wax and clear wax to seal it all.
 again top planks are with wax sealer.. bottom is the white and french linen mix without wax yet.


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