Home Tours

Sunday, November 20, 2016

Christmas in our Dining Room 2016

This year I kept the red holiday decor designated to our Dining and Living Rooms as they are connected to each other... The red just sets the mood for the holidays as it's one of the first rooms you see when you walk in our front door. ;) Come and see how it all turns out by clicking read more..

For our Dining Tablescape this year .. I used our Antique dough bowl full of fresh magnolia leaves.. and mixed in red glass ornaments with simple burlap decorative balls on top.. On either side of the wood dough bowl I placed these vintage red lanterns that I picked up while antiquing this past summer.. Yes I think and plan out Holiday decor in the summer sadly lol!

You can see how I decorated Our Dining room from Last year HERE... You may notice changes to our table as seen HERE and to our Chandelier, full makeover HERE..
The grounding point of the table is this off white extra wide burlap table runner.. It's from, get this! ..'Canadian Tire' for like $15 for approx. 20ft or more.. It's a roll of burlap with 'Finished edges' for holiday decor and it makes such great deal for an easy table runner ;)
For a little festive touch I hung a mini boxwood wreath off our dining hutch's glass knobs, and tied a relaxed bow from some left over red ticking striped fabric.
If you've been following me for a while you'll notice 2 major changes in here.. one being I switched out the chairs we had in here for the 4 we had in our kitchen and added in the farmhouse bench from our deck.. It was previously grey.. now its an antique cream colour to flow with our table base. I will share more details on that simple transformation soon ...
The second change was bringing this antique glass cabinet from our living room into here.. let me tell you this was not an easy feet.. its super solid and all original and oh so heavy... I'm loving the size, and the character it brings to the space... but I'm tempted dare I say it??...To paint the natural wood! an off white collar like the bench??.. but it's original finish so I feel so guilty.. hence why I haven't painted it so far... what do you all think??
I laid this pine cone garland casually on the top of cabinet and added another simple mini boxwood wreath onto the knobs.
to keep with the red theme I added these red jute webbing pillows from my moms Etsy shop..
a little sneak peek into our Living room decorated for the Holidays.. full reveal coming soon..
On top of the hutch I placed an antique crated jug and faux tree with the same ticking stripe ribbon around base and draped this cute mini NOEL banner from my moms Etsy Shop.. originally I had 2 faux trees up there but I wasn't loving the look so you may spot that in some of the earlier pics I took ;) Good Decor is testing different looks and finding your groove :)
Well hoped you liked today's tour of our Holiday Dining room.. I will be posting more of our holiday decorating soon.. stay tuned and have a great week!!
You can see our Full Christmas tours of the past in links below...
2014 Christmas Home HERE
 2015 Christmas Home  HERE

And if you missed last weeks post of Christmas in our Family Room... You can see the full reveal HERE

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1 comment:

  1. Lisa...amazing as usual. You really missed your calling. Consulting would so be your thing. So inspiring.
