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Monday, March 27, 2017

painting the inside our front doors

First let me just say I LOVE LOVE LOVE this paint color.. back in December we stayed at an amazing beach house in Florida with this color in almost all of the rooms.. I actually forgot to share that homes decor.. it was a mix of my 2 fav. decor styles.. farmhouse meets beach house, absolute heaven! so I will go through some pics and share all about it soon.. anyways in the mean time I fell in love with this paint color.. I don't have a wall to paint YET.. so I decided to paint it on the inside of our front doors.. and It is so amazing!! So here it is..

 Our doors are the first thing you see when you walk down our stairs in the morning... We painted them Sherwin Williams Sea Salt.. It's such a soft, subtle green, blue, grey tone that flows great with our jute and grey striped rug..
It is considered as part of the 'green' family of colours on the website.. I will say in our house it reads more blue-ish, pale aqua... Either way it's a subtle pop of color that brings a sense of calm!
Sherwin Williams Sea salt

Here's our little monkey getting in on the action and helping her Daddy paint ;)

If you missed last week's post on our Entry updates and our new Hall tree.. You can read all about it HERE
I love the color so much I think our Powder bath is due for a paint update ..Stay tuned ;)
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