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Wednesday, May 10, 2017

My 'She Shed' Dreams

SO its finally happening.. We have just lined up a contractor to build our .. a humm! MY 'She Shed' :)Lately I have been on the hunt for inspiration.. everywhere.. from blogs, Mags and of course Pinterest..

Here are some of my top inspirational SHE SHED ideas:

For our exterior I am craving...

  1. A ROUND Window is a must above the front doors
  2. Vintage found windows
  3. Vintage or barn front doors 
  4. planked wood siding.. painted a grey

For the walls I'm craving more ship lap.. Can't have enough ;) White , white , white... I want a girly fresh space!

For the Floors.. I want to try Plywood planks.. either in a white washed distressed look OR PAINTED ;) I have been wanting to try painted striped floors for years but never had the space so this may be the winner?? Maybe i'll do safe white first and then add the stripes after? Do you have any thoughts on this?
Blog: Picklee

For a focal point I want to add a Vintage Fireplace mantel .. and cover the mantel in pillar candles..

Photo: DecorPad

Adding electrical is a must.. for the ceiling I'd love to add a big chandelier.. beaded preferably.. I dream of this Chandelier from Arhaus lighting  but its a tad out of my price range..

For Furniture I'd love a little sitting area.. I'm still on the hunt for the perfect seating .. whether it be chairs or a sofa.. I love the idea of a cool architectural coffee table .. vintage trunks would work great or this cool carved wooden architectural piece.. so fun!!

Well the fun is only beginning.. I hope to have MY (sorry Honey!) 'She Shed' done by the end of summer but for now I'm just so excited to be starting it.. Follow my 'She Shed' Pinterest board for more fun ideas..

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