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Friday, December 5, 2014

Fav's Friday ~ Girly Inspiration

So here is what's caught my eye this week.. It's all about Girls.. I only have a daughter so I have to admit I am a bit biased at the moment..  I just LOVE Pretty, Shabby Chic, Girly ideas.. See below for some Girly Inspiration!!

This is a post from Design, Dining and Diapers.. It's a Little girls reading nook. I have a young daughter and just know she would love this space.. heck I love it.. don't you wish you had a room like this when you were little??? Be sure to check out Taryn's Blog for more Pictures and Details!

I love this Girl's birthday theme.. I can't wait to do this theme for our daughter within the next few years! It's A cowgirl Birthday Party. April has amazing home decor taste and same goes for her Party planning. Check our her blog for the FULL details at House By Hoff

Lastly this is a really cute and easy way to sew your very own beautiful curtains to go with your Shabby Chic decor. I just love the two tone look by mixing the patterns. Who doesn't love a great ticking stripe? Check out Jamie's Blog at So Much better with age for a full tutorial on how-to sew these curtains for yourself.

Since we're on a Pink theme.. You may like our daughter's Shabby Chic Nursery!

If you missed Last week's Christmas Fav's You can see them HERE

Check back every Friday for my Latest Fav's!

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  1. I love all of those images too even though I only have boys. But deep inside, I'm a girly girl who always wanted to have a little girl. Since that's not going to happen, I just live vicariously through others now. LOL!

    1. Aww I love boy decor too.. I would love to style a Nautical or Aviation Themed room.. Here's to hopefully having a boy for our next! :)

  2. Thank you for featuring my daughter's birthday party! I love all of the girly features! ;)

  3. Oh I just love it April.. Thank you for being so inspirational!

  4. Thank you for featuring my pink ticking curtains. What a lovely post!
    Hugs, Jamie
